Thinking of visiting?
Visiting a new church can be intimidating, but we don't want it to be. We are honored that you are considering us! Feel free to contact the church office or Pastor Julie listed below if you have any questions or need any special accommodations.

All About Sunday Services
When you first pull up to First Christian Church of Beaumont, you will drive down a long driveway into our parking lot. You will notice that we have a walking trail around our grounds that is about 3/4 of a mile with beautifully gardened prayer stations around. Feel free to enjoy this feature at anytime as it is open to the public.
Once you find a parking space, we have 2 buildings: the sanctuary and the education building. If you plan to attend Sunday School, class starts at 9:15am in the education building. Folks gather early for coffee and donuts in the fellowship hall (the big room). We always have plenty! ​We have a nursery available for kids of all ages. Kids are invited to their own Sunday School class. This is a mixed age class. They study scripture and have engaging activities. Elementary age students are welcome to stay in the nursery all the way through worship if that's what you prefer. If you would rather keep them with you, that is okay too! ​
Our first worship service starts at 10:30am and is usually streamed on Facebook Live (www.facebook.com/fccbmt). Most of our members dress up for service, but we don't have a dress code. Come in what feels comfortable to you. We would much rather you come in pajamas than not at all! During worship we sing from the hymnal and have responsive readings. Our Interim Minister, Pastor Julie, seeks to give uplifting messages to encourage us as we try to live our lives like Christ. Communion is practiced every Sunday and all are welcome to participate, no exceptions. You will be served communion at your seat. We will collect an offering which goes to running the facilities as well as community outreach. ​All in all, the service usually runs for about an hour and be sure to sign up for our newsletter on the way out so you can stay up to date with all that we have going on here.
We are a small, older congregation, with about 30 in attendance each Sunday. We share our time, talents, and treasures with the church to give God glory, and hope that you find that you want to do the same. ​
For a different kind of worship experience, at 1pm we gather in the fellowship hall (In the education building). We enjoy watching Christian music of various genres. We will have communion by intinction (dipping the bread in the cup) early in the service to set the tone of our unity in Christ. You will be given the opportunity to share testimony of how God is working in your life. After the sermon, we will share with one another what came to mind during the teaching or questions that arose. From there we will encourage one another as we prepare to take our worship out into the world. From time to time we will work on service projects together. Children are also invited to join; there will not be any nursery attendants. If you are comfortable, they are welcome to play outside on the playground, or stay in worship with us. The length of the service varies based on the amount of engagement.
We know this new worship will bring God glory, and we hope it will inspire and encourage you.