So your curious about our beliefs...
The Disciples of Christ believe no creed but Christ.
Who is God?: We believe that God is the creator of the universe. Every living thing was created by *Him, for Him to serve an important role in the cycle of life. He cares for each creation deeply, ensuring that we have all that we need. We believe that science is a valuable tool for helping to understand the intricacies of His creation. We believe that Jesus Christ is God made manifest in human form on earth. The Holy Spirit is a gift to help us live in accordance to His will. His untimely death, which lead to His resurrection, is our saving grace. Hallelujah​!
Church Life: We find that it's important to gather together, as a community, to worship and serve. We believe that every person is blessed with unique gifts that are meant to be shared with the body of Christ. Our different backgrounds allow us to study and learn from one another, furthering our testimony and dedication to Jesus Christ. In electing our leadership, we do not discriminate based on gender, age, race, or sexual orientation. We allow our children to learn and grow in their own beliefs, while teaching them the all encompassing love of Jesus Christ. If have the desire to glorify God by sharing the gifts God has blessed you with, we have a place for you.
Ecumenism: This is a fancy way of saying we respect and value different denominations and faith traditions. We don't all worship God the same way, and that's okay! We have partnerships with other area churches of different denominational backgrounds that serve both the body of Christ, and the greater community of SETX.
Baptism & Communion: Our denomination practices the believer's baptism, by immersion. All other baptisms are also honored. An important part of our worship is Communion, which we practice weekly. We find that this tradition helps us to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, as well as remind us of the promise of redemption for all people. Any and all are welcome to participate in this tradition, without restriction.
The Bible: We believe that the Bible is a living document, gifted to us and inspired by God. The scripture is meant to be critically examined considering cultural context. We believe that everyone's unique perspective allows for the scripture to be interpreted in our own way, for both personal and community growth.
Our Families: We believe that God blesses all families, in every shape and size. All persons are children of God, and therefore should be respected as such regardless of age, expression, or personal struggle. The circumstances of life create various family structures and God does not discriminate based on the foundation of a family. In all things, love comes first, and we believe this to be also true for our families.
Social Justice & Equality: As believers we are called to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our Lord. We believe that He placed us here as a voice for the voiceless, which includes marginalized communities all across the world. Discrimination is a world wide hinderance to furthering God's will which to love God and to love people. He made us all uniquely perfect, and to deny this would be to deny God's power and infinite wisdom.
*We do use the pronoun He/His for simplicity, though we believe that God is bigger than any gender binary.
Want to know more? Ask us anything!
Please reach out if you have any questions. We want you to get to know us, and we want to get to know you!